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Dr. Nadia

#StopGBV Executive Team

Dr. Nadia

nadiago.egp [at]

Aloha everyone!! I am currently an Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Physician working at the sweetest place on earth— Hershey, Pennsylvania at Penn State Health! I am a first generation American with proud Syrian and Armenian roots. I was born and raised in Florida and completed my undergraduate training at the University of North Florida and medical training in the MD program at Nova Southeastern University. Growing up near the coast, the beach is my first love! I also enjoy watching and playing soccer, spending time with friends engaging in outdoors activities like hiking/canoeing/paddleboarding, and creating art. I joined eGirl Power in May of 2022 doing volunteer research as I was initially attracted to the incredible team vision. I am lucky to be part of a mission focusing on the elevation of the next generation of females, aiding a diverse non-profit with my own diverse background. The stories behind the disappointing, but very real stats that I learned as well as the strong female presence that I have been fortunate personally experience and would like to be in others' lives led to me become an executive member of the StopGBV program. Please reach out to me as I would love to get more people involved to help #StopGBV and create a more equitable, safer, and inclusive playing field for all!

You can learn more about me here, and my contact info is as follows:

Email: nadiago.egp [at]

Instagram: @nadiaobaed